Pain of the soul expunged. 💜

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YES!! Very Much So🥰🥰💜💜☯️☯️🧿🧿

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It’s sometimes hard to find the compassion for self in this modern world even when it looks us in the eye with the unwavering compassion for others some exude. One of my harder feats anyway compassion with boundaries of self love. Especially when building the boundary and knowing it’s going to hurt. 💜 Thanks for the self reflection. All fears can be overcome and it ain’t easy and usually hurts. blessed be the ones to walk the path so others have a guide.

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Wow, Thank U for your perspective, I really do Appreciate your thoughts on this. Many Blessings to U My Friend🥰🥰💜💜☯️☯️🧿🧿

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Your welcome glad the inspiration was two ways. Maybe we will meet one day up in the original cloud server where God keeps our souls. Mankind has not created anything that The one true creator hasn’t already. Blessings to you warrior of the light. Never lose your innocence.

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The app is glitching again so I switched back to my browser- according to the app- my above reply thanking u didn't post- so that gave me a moment to give u a more in-depth response🤗🤗

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Guess the universe gave you more time 😊. Your more then welcome. I went through very early childhood trauma molested by my biological dad as far as I can tell from conversation with him and the fact that was something I healed and it showed by the removal of the blockage I had. Then this was exasperated by my mother and her narcissistic family working together. It ended for me when I cleaned the blood and brains up of my beloved step dad. I removed myself from that side of the family and left what I had known. Mom makes men suicidal and crazy through the narcs ways. Married a narc woman after 7 years knowing her and before my full awakening 4 years ago and still married because She doesn’t want me to get anything but pain. and building the courage to go fully alone is Very hard to do in the lions den takes a while. As One always has to pay the narcs by pain. It’s through the conveyor of experience that we get to know we are not alone. Maybe that’s why the glitch happened. 💜 Thank you warrior guide.

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Wow, Thank U for your perspective, I really do Appreciate your thoughts on this. Yes Boundaries are very important, unfortunately not something that we are taught from an early age (especially if u grew up in an abusive home to start with), so we are left to 'figure it out' as we go. My general thought process when I was younger was, "I wasn't being abused if I fought back- something which I never saw my incubator do while getting her brains stomped in by my sperm donor" & that created the monster within that gave as well as she got & at times a whole helluva lot worse. Thankfully I've done the internal work (on that part) & learned & grown from it- I do still have a Looooong road ahead & can safely say I do feel prepared now. Blessings to U My Friend & Thank U Again🥰🥰💜💜☯️☯️🧿🧿

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And so it is. 💜 The teacher is always still a student and a student can always be a teacher to the teacher. Much love 💗 until the wind blows you in again 😊

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Pain is a great teacher for some of us.

It sucks when one has a very high pain tolerance.

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🤣🤣🤣🤣 OmfreakinGourde Yes It REALLY Does-

His quote to me (after the car key incident- which mind u was my Response to his violence) was, "U are fkn dangerous, you're a bitch I'd have to kill" I asked, "Wtf are u talking about" he says, "Once U get started I can't hurt u enough to make u stop!!" Buuuuut u never have to worry about an 'off switch' (which good luck finding that cuz I haven't even found it yet🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️) if u don't start the shit in the 1st place- I am not a violent person- but I'm nobody's punching bag either- u get what u give

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Hi Reina, for those who have not experienced it, it is difficult to understand the power of a narcissist. "Mental Prison" is a perfect way to put this. I have some idea of what you are talking about. You did great. Hold the line.

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Ghosts revisited. I revisit with ghosts all the time. Ghost dance for me is a wonder blunder asunder that I create on top of, theres aspects of it that rhymers call piratical, that I learned from them how to feast in. I never let the pain go, as its part of me, part of what I had to go through to touch madness and with help, get back. I dont take any of that for granted. But also, it was suggested to me, that it was a singularity. Once that was visited upon me by a mad philosopher who isnt really mad at all, I worked hard to let go of that aspect of it, to overcome the singularity of it, and thus could engage with any or all of it as a part of a much big whole. where I was in search of. and that in addition to the pain and all my stupidity, it was and still remains for me, very beautiful.

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Yes I was 13 as well. I’m now 66. Why do I keep trying to “fix” the broken?!? Thought I learned

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I became the caregiver & defender- Im known to state bluntly that I've taken care of me & everyone around me since I was a child myself, I realized a while back- I became these roles because nobody was ever those things for me as a child- but that's only the 3D human reason, it goes deeper than that in the fact that; its literally a few of the missions I came here for, so I Had to Experience this as a child so that I would know how to do my job in this lifetime.

I would say Meditate on that exact question, ask Spirit to show u, then go in front of your mirror & ask yourself the question because your higher self, she has All the answers, she didn't get amnesia upon arrival here, she can't be deprogrammed or reprogrammed. She can only be silenced until u remember how to hear her.

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Honest, captivating writing!! ❤️

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