If U have been keeping up with my recent short stories, then U know, they kinda go in succession & the general theme starts here:
Then more in depth here:
So this is where I'm at, and as I've stated before; 1st the minute U follow your intuition, your ego wants to jump in with all the reasons it's not a good idea, 2nd I'm hardheaded as hell, and 3rd while I am highly intelligent, I'm not always the brightest bulb in the box. It is what it is, I'm not talking shit about myself, I'm stating facts. Yesterday’s total Solar Eclipse symbolizes a Rebirth, energetically speaking & it's a great time to focus on positive manifestations because it's a very strong energy, however U should be careful because it's also a very Volatile energy. After a particularly rough day at work yesterday, the annoying lil 4yo that is my scary ass ego starts whining about whether or not my decisions to abruptly change location, career, etc right now is the safe play. Reminding me (as if I need this) finances aren't great, & then she starts in with all the damn what ifs. Listening to her inside my head, I decided to settle this shit once & for all. I get in the shower & talking to Spirit I say, “If I'm making the right decisions, please show me crystal clear signs. Like 1 of the jobs I’ve applied for calling me back.” Finished my shower & went to bed.
This a.m. I woke up made my coffee, had to dump it because the milk had spoiled, set up a fresh pot to brew. Went about the rest of my daily routine while waiting for my coffee, then finally sat down with my lil chunk of gouda cheese & my fresh cup of coffee. About 3 minutes after I sit down, I hear running water. Mind U, I live in a studio with a separate kitchenette by myself. I get up to check & for the 2nd time in less than a week my apartment has its very own Rain Closet (it's actually my water heater closet- but it's so very thoughtful of the slumlords I rent from to include such a Beautifully Peaceful indoor experience).
And of course no response from blowin up the “Super”s phone & I need to finish getting ready for work & leave. Finally get a response from 1 of the maintenance guys who doesn't even technically work for the slumlord, so at least I got heard. By the time I was leaving the “Super” apparently finally woke up & got his messages, went upstairs to the 4th floor & cut the water off. This was sign #1, Yes location 100% Needs change!! I caught the message & said, “Thank U” for a “crystal clear sign” while kinda laughing to myself.
I get to work, start my day & my client tries to punch me 3x while I'm getting him out of bed, but thanks to his regular bullshit, my reflexes are still lightning fast & he doesn't land a single shot. Breakfast takes 2 hours by which point my body is stiff as hell from sitting all that time. Then I start setting up the rest of the incidentals for the shift & stretch my legs in the process. Five hours into my nine hour shift I happen to be reading on Substack & my agency calls. I answer & am informed that, “the family is ending services, so at end of shift today U no longer have this assignment, but make sure U call the office so the girls can set U up with an available assignment.” I literally laughed while on the phone with the office because the woman who called me was genuinely upset to give me the news, but I told her honestly, “it's time for a change, the Universe will make the change for U if U are too hardheaded to move on once U know it's time to.” The woman I was speaking to was relieved & said my words actually helped her for something she's dealing with currently. When I hung up my 1st thought was, “Dammit!! I should have called out, took sick time, & enjoyed the 74° Sunshine filled day!!” My 2nd thought was regarding not great finances now becoming even less stable in a moment that I was counting on these last few weeks paychecks to move with. This was “crystal clear sign” #2 & I laughed and said Thank U once again. Don't get me wrong I'm quite discombobulated in my emotions & a lil on edge because of the instability of the whole situation. But 2 things come into play here; 1st I Always land on my feet (I been knocked down in life so many times u would swear I had springs attached to my ass), & 2nd it's not called, “Taking a Leap of Faith” because it comes with an instruction manual (Nothing in life does). So was I agitated?? Yes very much so, but at the same time, when I walked outta work today, knowing I Never Have to Return to That House, I could instantly hear George Michael screaming FREEDOM
A few minutes into my walk home, I open up yt to see what readers have posted new messages & this is the 1st title I see:
Then I look up to notice a Hawk playing on the wind currants, drifting back & forth. At which point I was Smiling from ear to ear 100% at Peace with all of the chaos because Spirit answered me & made sure I know without any doubts, EVERYTHING IS EXACTLY AS IT SHOULD BE & SPIRIT ALWAYS GOT ME!! In tarot 4 is a message of stability & I got 4 crystal clear signs today that I made the right decisions.
Keep in mind tho, Never ask for something unless U are truly prepared to receive what U are asking for!! Until next time, I wish U All an Abundance of Blessings🥰🥰💜💜☯️☯️🧿🧿
Hun, your name is Blessed Warrior for a reason.. sending prayers that the next step may be a blessing to you, and much love and big hugs 💙🙏💫🌷🥰🤗
Be careful what you ask for...
Break A Leg!