I've been in this Change mode for a lil bit already, and if U have read my other recent pieces, U are already aware. The funny thing about all of this is, I've been in it so deeply that I didn't even realize until having a conversation with a wonderful friend of mine, that I'm actually changing Everything in my life. It's been long overdue. However it is rather difficult to be in the process of shadow work, tower moment after tower moment, trying to keep up with everyday life in this fabulously putrid matrix, make enough money to support myself while the government & all it's pathetic croneys keep stealing most of what I'm making, trying to keep up with therapy so that I remain in control of my own mind & don't do some stupid explosive shit, trying to keep some semblance of a relationship with each of my 3 sons & hopefully my grandchildren as well, maintaining & building on both my physical and mental health, progress on my Spiritual journey, get enough sleep, keep my home clean, take care of groceries & errands, try to have a social life (not even sure I know wth that is anymore lol), & all while always being the one who Everyone else turns to when they need help of any kind in their life. {No I'm Not Complaining- keep Reading before U try to pass Judgement}
Tired yet??
Yea I know it's absolute insanity when U finally take enough of a break to even begin processing just how many hoops we jump thru, hurdles in our paths, heartbreak, etc. But this is exactly how the Matrix was set up for us to be eternal slaves to the grotesque machine & the sad shit is, your friends & family will most often be an oblivious cog in that same machine simply expecting U to just toe the line & quietly play along until your dead & gone. Well I don't know how anyone else feels about all this but honestly- I'M FKN DONE!! I Quit!! No Seriously- I'm outta this bitch!! Yea I know, Everybody has a knee jerk reaction to that dirty word- su¡C¡de- stay with me tho, because I Am Not glorifying the action of physically taking your own life, nor am I advocating in the conventional terminology that anyone should physically end themselves. That's something completely different from what I'm talking about. There's different definitions for damn near every single word in the english language. And this one actually makes sense when U comprehend what I'm speaking of. I had forgotten that I have this meme, until after I was having that conversation, that I mentioned earlier. However my brain never forgot it & I told her that I was commiting s√¡(¡d€ (yes I changed the format in order to keep scanners from turning some jackhole who's not actually reading this in entirety into my latest stalker), as in “killing off the old me, 100% brand new in every area of my life.” Then I came across the meme yesterday while I was uploading my latest “Meme Mashup.” Ironically I found this meme on fb during the last point in my life when I actually was trying to off myself & it was right on time, because it makes perfect sense.
I've hit a turning point & it's going to be 180° shift. It's in motion as I'm writing this, I'm talking; relocation, job/career change, dietary changes, new exercise routines including the Kundalini Yoga & Meditation practices which was shared with me, taking control over Every aspect of my life right down to eliminating the 1 medication that I take nightly (since 2019) to manage the nightmares/terrors that have plagued my sleep since I was a child as a leftover remnant of that o so fabulous PTSD. It's time, I'm taking my life (back) & putting me first in all areas. I’m still continuing on my Spiritual Journey and Research. I'm also continuing my journey to becoming 100% unplugged from the matrix & completely Sovereign as We are All supposed to be- As Is Our Birthright!! I'm tired of simply surviving & existing so the machine can keep being fed while I'm being starved in a slow torturous method til death comes to collect the shell of a vessel that was once a Human. So now that I've broken it down into laymen's terms, I absolutely did Not say or mean anything even remotely negative. In fact my use of a Negative word is extremely Positive & Powerful, as it should be. Everything in this Life is Solely about Perspective. We have all been dealt a shitty hand, one way or another, but it's not to be used as a Krutch to be an asshole to society. Everybody's going thru some shit, just not everyone shows it by bitchin & complaining 24/7. U are supposed to figure out how to Alchemize the Trash into Your Perfect Treasure. The only alternative is being a perpetual victim of the world til death comes to take home the empty vessel U occupy. Me personally I only have time & energy for putting in the work to change my circumstances & Learn how to Live.
🧿☯️💜🥰Until Next Time, Peace, Love, Prosperity, & Blessings to U All🥰💜☯️🧿
Love the confidence and the courage to better your circumstances. You got this ☺️
Wishing you the very best that life has to offer and am looking forward to seeing the new you!