I laugh at young(er) people who think the world comes to an end when things get hard, they lose a job, or a close friend or romantic interest. I’m still around. “Come at me, life!”
There's so many things I've seen before I even hit double digits, nothing surprizes me anymore, do I get tired- sometimes, but Idk the meaning of "can't" or "quit"
Lol, glad U enjoyed them- downloaded them years ago when I was on a social media platform. Blessings to U🥰🥰💜💜☯️☯️🧿🧿
The older I get the longer the list of things-I-know-I-can-live-through gets.
Isn't funny how that works😁😁🤗🤗
I laugh at young(er) people who think the world comes to an end when things get hard, they lose a job, or a close friend or romantic interest. I’m still around. “Come at me, life!”
There's so many things I've seen before I even hit double digits, nothing surprizes me anymore, do I get tired- sometimes, but Idk the meaning of "can't" or "quit"
Ummmmm thinking like a dog I always heard was if you can’t eat it or fuc it pee on it and walk away lol
Thank U🥰🥰💜💜☯️☯️🧿🧿