i'm chuckling. maybe it's the lifeform we are all creating and more animate than we realize. Wondering if actually we've created a collective consciousness. and what we feed it. Went without a phone for 7 years for many of the reasons you don't want to give anything to the alphabet guys. Now i see it as a fascinating tool... i'm careful but also see the helpful qualities and now treat it with the respect that i do with any lifeform... an animal that is wild that can bite. I give it distance but also feed it with love and gratitude. anywho! beautiful photos.

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If I had the means to get a camera & an mp3 or 4 player, I would very happily go back to a phone which was just a phone- & probably forget the damn thing at the house most of the time. I’m not one for apps, Idgaf about the latest most expensive piece of name brand garbage, I can check emails at the public library- I still remember how to actually live my life, so no I’m not part of the “we” which wanted this trash. It's a tracking device disguised as an all in one pocket computer which is only keeping tabs on everything every human does. I come from a generation that actually loves & respects privacy, and learned to do everything manually, hell I don't even sew on a machine 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️ I would happily trade the convenience of posting on my SS account from wherever I am, whenever I want- to just simply have my pix, vids, & music enjoyable at all times. Honestly the only reason I really keep a phone is for my camera/albums & being able to listen to music, otherwise it’s actually an inconvenience most of the time.

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fair enough. It was a good experience to fully unplug for almost a decade and now learn to use it in a way that feels good to me. The tradeoffs are real. as for a tracking device, It's not particularly well disguised hehe. Love that you are going back to old school skills. Us too. we lost electricity, internet and running water this year. even cooked over a fire for a few months. It is doable to fully unplug but the reality. is well. really fucking real too. hahah Big hug!

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Mad Love & Blessings Right Backatcha Beautiful 🥰🥰👑👑💜💜☯️☯️🧿🧿🌴🌴

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Sep 8Liked by Blessed Warrior Reina

These truly are beautiful photos; thank you for sharing them! They made me quite happy; it is somehow a comfort to know that though our landscapes are different, the beauty to be admired is the same there as it is here. I love that. Enjoy your gorgeous scenery ☺️✨

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Sep 8Liked by Blessed Warrior Reina

The cat! I love that picture! 🥰 I know what you mean about being a lab rat. But send your pictures out in defiance anyway. They’re imprinted with your spirit and no one can capture that. 🌟

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