19 hrs agoLiked by Blessed Warrior Reina

Oh, the baby goat ☺️❤️. And I’m cracking up at your description of petunia 😂. I hope you are able to get some rest. Thanks for the animal tour!

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Lol, I'm glad U enjoyed it Queen👑👑 I so Love Sharing Happy Experiences with U All🥰🥰👑👑💜💜☯️☯️🧿🧿🌴🌴

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17 hrs agoLiked by Blessed Warrior Reina

So interesting what’s happening with your energy. And yes, of course the animals sense it. The know they have limited time with you and are showing how much they care.

The pictures though! The emu 😂😂 and the way you described those turkeys talking shit. I love how you write about the animals! 💫

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15 hrs agoLiked by Blessed Warrior Reina

I can relate to so much you’re saying about the energy shifts. I think many of us have been activated higher and we’re feeling everything in our fields more succinctly. I too have been feeling quite discombobulated at times….exactly how you described. And I’m learning how to have so much grace with myself in this process.

On the equinox, the kids and I went to the park and the animals were behaving differently to us too. The pigeons had no fear of us, and we kept encountering cats. One even let us chill with it and pet it. They were all tuxedo cats - black with white paws.

I think also a lot of the old fear frequency barriers are coming down. Animals are beginning to feel safer around some humans again, and we’re able to pick up the fear tactics and energies which seek to take us into lower ways of thinking and feeling better. This may be why our intuition and ability to connect more etherically is heightened.

I live in a city….you know how pigeons are in the city. Their nervous systems are fucked. These ones were walking on our feet like we were no threat to their comings and goings 😆

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Omg that's exactly how the chickens were with me😂😂 when I first started here- None of these chickens were "social"- it was more of, "Ok cool, U brought food, now kindly go the fuck away so I can come out & eat😒😒"

Now they wait at the door, faces turned sideways, eyes against the wire mesh, and swarm me the minute I step inside.

Yes!! As we elevate, the animals can smell the difference, & know we are safe to approach, so feeling safe right next to us. I've also watched another chick that works here who swears she's so in tune with animals & nature, get the messages dead wrong, & the look on an animals face when she fucked up was hilarious cuz I could hear the critter call her a dumbass😂😂

I listen to these critters too, one of the big cows was acting funny a few weeks sgo and started towards me, only to have the youngest donkey run up on her & head butt her, then escorted me back & forth across the back pasture for the rest of my work that day. Idk what the cow was up to but the donkey knew & wasn't playin that shit🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️💜💜

I have to say it's been a lil strange at times getting used to this particular shift (mainly because it's a lot more all at once than what I'm used to) but I Like It😏😏😁😁

Thank U for Reading Me Queen👑👑 & for sharing your experiences too, I Appreciate U🥰🥰👑👑💜💜☯️☯️🧿🧿🌴🌴

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There's bobcats, possums, etc as you know. Florida also has swamp kitty, Fl panther.

They make unexpected noises.

Can sound like a bird, a baby crying and more.


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