Things are ramping up for sure. Just wait you ain't seen crazy yet! It is going to go way past one step beyond the outer limits straight past the twilight zone into GOD alone knows.

Things are intensifying in waves, just like birth contractions.

It is what it is, we can't stop it, all we can do is hold tight, keep faith and pray.

I, am a pan-theist Apocaloptimist. I am optimistic the Apocalypse will happen and it will all pan out as GOD wills it, not like we wish.

Thing about birth pangs,

What do they bring forth?

That is what I struggle to focus on.

Stay strong in the suck mean time.

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Sep 6Liked by Blessed Warrior Reina

The energy is mad right now. Hold on, you’re doing fine. I’m so sorry to hear about the quails. Three is good! Three will survive! Sending you love. ❤️

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Sep 6Liked by Blessed Warrior Reina

Hey beautiful sister! I feel you, girl. Holding the ground rooting deep within.

Real connection with ourselves and our kindred is the true antidote to chaos.

Sending you my love and music!! ✨🤍✨

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Sep 6Liked by Blessed Warrior Reina

Glad to be part of your tribe! 😊

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Sep 6Liked by Blessed Warrior Reina

Proton just claimed they are going “non-profit.” I guess that means DIRECT Action THIEVERY ?

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AW SUGAR FACE *SQUEEEEZE YOU. :) Hello there. You honey pie. I hear you. I am also a warrior, baby :) I just told myself that today. I am not playing around. Sorry about the quail hatchlings. And as for the energy, there has been a LOT happening around me in a very short period of time. It's something, that's for sure :) *maniacal laughter. Earlier today I stopped and said........*feeling a feeling*...............hmm, I HAVE ANXIETY! " So I turned on my soothing bells and meditation sounds and eased into ease. MMMMmmhmm. Keep on steering that ship.

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Sep 7Liked by Blessed Warrior Reina

Stay vigilant girl! We got this!

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Sep 7Liked by Blessed Warrior Reina

Hey! I loved reading this "There isn't a single move that can be made against me that I can't/won't/won't overcome immediately". Wonder!!!

That's why I love reading your creative work. Courage Authenticity and awareness to deal with so many obstacles day after day.

I support you and your work wholeheartedly.

God bless and protect you always.

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Sep 7Liked by Blessed Warrior Reina

Sending you love, you’ve obviously got this, though sometimes it sucks. Stuff is crazy on my end, too. I am so sorry about the quails and I hope you are able to stop the dang lizard. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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Sep 10Liked by Blessed Warrior Reina

Oh man do I understand this!!! Demon energy!!! It is everywhere!! I'm glad to be in your tribe and blessed you have our backs too. Let me know when you feel confident about the payment thing. So sorry this happened to you.

Sending you big love. oxoxox

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