Around halfway thru to the end of October, I started noticing some physical aspects of my body & how well it was or more importantly “wasn't” functioning. By the beginning of November I couldn't keep denying to myself what the issue was. I was running on the downward pitch of that ugly ass diabetes mountainside & picking up speed.
I've fought for my health my entire life. As a child I learned what it feels like to go hungry for days on end. Being so greatful for that day old Portuguese hardroll that was more akin to chewing on a rubberball than a piece of bread, even right after watching my biologicals pull it out of the dumpster behind the bakery. Cherishing a ducksauce packet from the Chinese food restaurant, leftover from a year ago, to put on that day old Portuguese hardroll, adding a lil sweet flavor to the dehydrated yet rubbery texture, was a serious treat. Two years later in fostercare, food was everywhere, and I gained 45lbs in less than 10 months because I was constantly sneaking extra food from every direction. I would eat uncontrollably. 45lbs maybe doesn't sound like a lot, but put that on a 4’9”-5’ frame & all of a sudden U can picture how drastic that actually is. I would pour a bowl of Cheerios, pour around a half cup of sugar and an equal helping of pancake syrup on it prior to pouring the milk, and that was a daily breakfast or late nite snack (simply because, all of a sudden I could). I went from a toothpick, skinny legged with knees sticking out of the center, bones sticking out (anywhere they were even close to skin contact) child, to a very thick/heading str8 for obese 13yo. Being in the human (cattle) child ranch of a state run group home, made it real easy to develop a quick case of bulimia without anyone important or in a position of authority to even take notice. By 14 I was in survival mode but actually eating decent because I became a live-in nanny for my older female friends who were adults with children, so I had a roof over my head, and consistent food to eat as I was cooking & caring for the children in the house as well as playing housekeeper. Just prior to my 15th bornday, I became pregnant with my oldest son & upon moving in with his sperm donor my eating habits went to shit again and I mostly consumed fast food as that was what was available. At 16 I spent an entire summer working out and tho I looked pretty damn healthy, as well as having dropped down to a size 7 jeans (couldn't go any smaller because of my hips), I can assure U that I was as far from healthy then as I was at full-blown obesity. I was literally living off a diet of; Newport® 100s, 40s (usually St Ides®), Wise® Hot Cheese Popcorn, Blowpops® (Watermelon & Sour Apple were my go-to), Little Debbie's® Star Crunch or Brownies, and Hostess® Iced Honey Buns, with the occasional; Fried chicken w Rice & Beans, Bacalao Guisado w white Rice, Chinese fried chicken wings w french fries, and daily anywhere from 5-10 Blunts (weed, for anyone who doesn't know). Don't for a second think that my 18m old son wasn't eating right or being taken care of tho. He was my Angel, and I literally lived For Him. Throughout my late teens, 20s, and 30s I was all over the scale from skeletal skinny to seriously obese & all points in between.
This past decade I began not too badly out of shape but before long I was back to constantly battling myself trying to get healthy again. In 2020 I was sick & tired of being sick & tired and in 1 full year (to the day) got healthy in my eating/fasting, exercising, and rest subsequently eliminating a small human (71lbs) from my body. Then I let “life” (more appropriately worded as slow deathly torture) get in the way again and dropped my healthy lifestyle for eating matrix garbage toxic pretendafoods, not maintaining proper rest or exercise, and realized by about halfway thru October that I had finally fucked myself royally and was on that road to diabetic hell. As I wrote about in Type II back in the early part of November. It took me several weeks to get the fuck out of denial & face that shit so I could actually start dealing with it. During those weeks I found myself drawn to looking things up, trying to prove my intuition wrong, lol.
**Sidenote- THAT NEVER WORKS!! Your Intuition is ALWAYS CORRECT!!**
Anyway, I felt the urge to share with U some of the information I utilized from outside sources to confirm my findings, and Natural/Homeopathic or Herbal remedies to cleanse & repair my kidneys and take my Life back.
this is where I confirmed what I was trying to call bullshit on- even tho I knew perfectly well what I was seeing. We did briefly discuss this piece of information right here, and I wanted to show U my go-to for not only acquisition of new info but also for quick reminders or clarification on something I'm already aware of.This was the beginning of my research, because as I previously stated, I already knew exactly what the issue was, I had studied that damned dis-ease and worked with many many humans playing host to it, for decades already.
Dr Berg is one of my go-to helpful info resources because while he is a “trained medical professional” he is Not a drug pusher. And he is his first & foremost test study subject, which I can actually respect. He doesn't push anything honestly, he shares his experiences with whoever wants to check it out. I won't list all of his videos that I watched here, but if U are curious, check out his channel. U can search damn near any health topic U can think of and find short &/or more in depth videos where he will explain the cause or root of said issue and give different methods by which U can address the issue & not the symptoms.
In my piece, Type II, I requested of my Phenomenal
as well as anyone else who knew of Natural/Homeopathic or Herbal Remedies, to share their knowledge. Several people actually responded with very helpful information. And then I received a request from another reader, I believe it was my Beautiful Friend if my memory serves correctly, asking that I publish the helpful & informative responses from my “Comments” section, so that Everyone has access to the information. That is how this follow up was born. I received quite a few helpful comments, some that were reminders for things I already know but don't seem to remember when it's for taking care of me, some were for brand new information~ Both types of advice were extremely Appreciated!! So appropriately before I copy & paste each advisory comment I will be giving a very Heartfelt Greatfull Shout-out to Each Commenter. As I said before I am not telling anyone how to care for themselves- I am simply sharing what worked for Me and my sources of Assistive Information. If U know of another Herb or From Mother Earth (No DRUGS) remedy which U don't see mentioned herein at all, please feel free to share. shared with me some of her wisdom from an herbalist perspective. I specifically asked her for this because she has more experience with a vast diversity of herbs than what I have been exposed to, having spent most of this lifetime in “Urban Hell” (as another good friend of mine calls it, & he ain't wrong).This was her comment:
As far as herbs go, I would look into gymnema sylvestre for pancreatic support, maybe consider some good digestive enzymes and maybe supplementation with Chromium picolinate. Adding a good quality Ceylon cinnamon into your coffee, yoghurts, and cereal can also assist. Only Ceylon though as others don’t have the same effect.
Increasing bitter herbs before eating can be of use. You can purchase herbal bitters in tincture form. Supporting the liver will also be important, so taking the bitter ms can assist as well as milk thistle.
Thank U Queen👑👑
for Always Having My Back, Love U Fam🥰🥰👑👑💜💜☯️☯️🧿🧿Next came a comment from my Wonderful
her's was a reminder for me, as it was something that I myself have advised others to use in the past but like I said, quite often I absolutely forget the most helpful pieces of info when it's for me.My husband suffers from kidney stones. He has been taking 3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with the mother in it now every day for the last year and so far he has not had any stones. Your kidneys can only handle about 15 g of protein at any one meal. So make sure you spread your protein in take throughout the day. It sounds like you are on the right road though with your herbs in the food you have chosen to eat. I will keep you in my prayers! ✨💖🤗🙏
And the precise way I utilize this is the same method Dr Berg uses, as seen here:
I actually used to do this all the time before I left CT, back in May to begin this oftentimes crazy & anxiety inducing but Beautifully Life Giving Journey I am currently on. Since Charlotte’s reminder, I have begun again and I do have to say, “Thank U Queen👑👑
U have helped me immensely, at getting back to Me”My next advisor was my Gorgeous Brother from Another Mother
this King is a Wealth of Wisdom & Knowledge on All Things Life.Keep intermittent fasting. A warm glass of water first thing in morning with lemon is great to get the digestive system working. On days you aren’t fasting follow up warm water with a green shake. I use Green 85 from Chemical Free Body. Try Shilajit as an herb too, many benefits. I take it every day. When you fiend for sugar down some water or have protein instead. Once you introduce sugar again from non fruit products ease back in with local honey (if there is any there). Many blessings
As U see he mentions Intermittent Fasting & that is something which I personally have seen phenomenal results from as well as watching my son (the Boxer) utilize it, along with many many other friends, colleagues, & family members. Chris mentioned it because he also has 1st hand knowledge that it has wonderful benefits for your entire body, not the least of which is the ability to reset your entire internal workings due to cell autophagy. Dr Berg also gives a lot of info on IF which he utilizes in combination with KETO. For my personal makeup, KETO doesn't have as good effects on my overall health as Paleo does. My system runs best on higher protein with moderately high healthy fats, instead of the Higher healthy fats with moderate protein consumption that is KETO. U have to learn thru trial & error and listening to your body to figure out what works best for U personally. Dietary intake & practices have NEVER been a One Size Fits All & There is NO Magic Pill that will Give U good Health. If U want to be healthy U have to put in the work~ the same way U already put in the work to be UnHealthy!!
I do wanna shout out a Quick THANK U Queen👑👑
for suggesting this. I gotta give U props for it, cuz tho Yes I would have done a follow-up, it was U who actually orchestrated the means by which this follow-up was created!! Love U Beautiful🥰🥰So another part of my researching (or reminding) came in the form of, “What foods, dietary changes, best support healthy kidneys, and which ones should I avoid at all costs??” For me I already know Grains, with the exception of Rice (& maybe a few of the grains like Teff, from countries in Africa) are absolutely horrid at reeking complete & total havoc on my internal organs. For starters, most grains grown in this country are now toxic right from jump because major chemical corporations decided it's a good idea to insert poison dna right into the seeds genetics so that, U know “we can mass produce the fuck out of everything with no bugs or weeds surviving fuckin with our crops.” However the idiots never took into account that the beneficial insects are being killed faster than the actual “pests” & the weeds simply adapt & now outgrow the plants which are now slowly killing humans & animals from the inside out. Secondly (& I already know a lot of U will decide I don't know what I'm talking about here, but) grains were never actually meant to be consumed by humans. If U research it by following the MONEY U will learn what I just said is actually a true statement. Anyway, I found a couple more videos on the topic of good & bad foods for your kidneys immediately on Dr Bergs channel:
Beginning right when I faced reality of what I was dealing with, I got onto changing my lifestyle once again for the better. I cut the grains, sugars, and standard potatoes immediately. The only starches I mix into my diet now are rice, yuca, sweet potato, and pumpkin. On the last farm I was capable of eating Real dairy in the form of ALL Raw Whole Milk, Yogurt, cottage cheese, Cheddar, Gouda, Feta, Blue cheeses, and Butter. As well as 100% Organic Grass fed & finished humanely butchered Beef from a local ranch. Fresh Raw Local Apiary Honey. And the rest of my groceries except salad veggies came from Publix (a grocery store which actually carries real & organic food). I got back to fasting (a 24hr fast most often once a week), and having my ACV, lemon, Salt water daily. I started back to my daily ginger lemon green tea, at least 2 cups. Got back to eating fresh garlic, several cloves daily. Incorporated Nutritional Yeast and Fresh turmeric root into my daily intake as well. This new farm healthy diet is a lot more difficult to achieve as the host grocery shops Walmart. So with the exception of 1 type of yogurt (which is not as healthy due to being Cooked pasteurized) that I know is ok, I'm pretty much Off Dairy. Beef is a fuckin gamble. But on the plus side, I have finally bought my Ceylon cinnamon again, and I do know how to find somewhat healthy foods in the shitshow that is Walmart. I've also gotten back to drinking Bone Broth on a regular basis. Have re-added kimchi & sauerkraut to my diet as well.
For example this was my meal a few days back- Steak, barely sauteed in Butter, with Broccoli, garlic, Italian seasoning, Himalayan salt, Nutritional Yeast, Kimchi, and Valentino Hot sauce.
Last week when I did my 17 Mile Hike, I didn't have the opportunity to stop off at Publix & weigh in as I had the prior Friday. However on that last visit I weighed in at 183lbs, down from 197lbs in October. I'm steady working on this. I had written a very short “update” style follow-up originally back in Nov, Off to a Great Start where I shared with U the very 1st steps, Now I'm 2 full months invested and just completed this week's 24hr fast at 10am today. I'm feeling pretty damn good. I Absolutely Advocate for Taking Control of Your Health!! “U Only Live Once” was the fad statement for doin dumb shit but, my response to Anyone who says that shit to me is, “I don't want to live sickly & in pain!! That Ain't LIVING!!” In fact that's walking around already decaying U just ain't in the ground yet- & wtf kinda Life is That?? Take your health seriously so U can actually Enjoy LIVING!!
This is me today, still got a long way to go but I'm steady taking My Life Back!! Until Next Time~ Mad Love & Blessings 💪🏽💪🏽🥰🥰👑👑💜💜☯️☯️🧿🧿🌴🌴
Ahhhh Bless your loving heart beautiful Reina! ✨🤗✨ I greatly appreciate the shout out! I’m so happy I’ve played a small part in your journey moving forward to a healthy future.
Have you tried out the cheesecake? 😋♥️😋
What a wealth of wonderful info! Thank you. I’m so thrilled to read this; I am attempting to sanitize our diet. We don’t eat obvious junk, but there is so much “junk” in the supposedly good stuff. Keep up the good fight and thank you for this encouraging update!