I just read an article, and while I do comprehend everyone getting worked up over the subject matter, I Do Not comprehend Why it could even be a “Thing.”
The specific subject matter is not actually the important part, because that skews the focus which needs to be crystal clear. The true focal point is this:
Tyranny Cannot Exist Without Compliance!!
It Really is Just That Damn Simple!!
Nobody has Authority Over U Without Your Consent!!
The Only Human who has Authority Over U, Is The One U ALLOW!!
Nobody can Take Your Rights~ U Have to Give Your Rights Up!! Vice Versa~ Nobody can Give U Any Rights, Because U Already Have Them!!
The ONLY reason Tyrants Rule over U is because U have given up your Rights of Sovereignty, when U Allow said Tyrant Authority Over U, Your Body/Person, Your Health & Wellbeing!! For far too long we have all been plugged into the Matrix propaganda programming agenda to feed the fucking leeches which created the energy harvesting machine. U can & should live your life in Peace. And there is honestly Only one way to do so- UNPLUG. Stop allowing another meatsuit to tell U what is ok or isn't!! Why the fuck would U need or want another human to rule your life?? Do U not have a brain?? Do U not know right from wrong?? Can U not think for yourself?? What makes another meatsuit more qualified than U to live Your Life?? As an Adult, Are U So Weak & Pitiful that U Need Some Other Human to Live Your Life for U?? Why do U feel U Need a Leader (Someone to tell U what to do, when to do it, how to do it, why/where it's ok to do)?? Why Argue with someone else about who the next Slave Master in Charge of U should Be?? For the LOVE of LIFE~ STOP PLAYING THE FUCKING GAME!!
And let’s be perfectly clear~
It Doesn't Fucking Matter Which Label They Wear~ They Are All Tyrants!!
Any Human Who Wants to RULE Over Other Humans IS A TYRANT~ PERIOD!! Some are worse than others, some are Nicer Slave Masters~ that Doesn't make them Better. The Government isn't here to Care for U, they are Here to Control the Narrative & make sure you're a good lil complacent robot. The Police aren't Here to Save U, they are Here To Keep U In Line!! They are the overgrown Hall Monitors(Narcissistic Bullies with too much time on their hands & No Life) who Stole your lunch money(eh-hem TAXES), Beat Your Ass (CourtSystem- or literally), and shoved U in your locker(Isn't this one obvious?? Prison!!) where U remained Hostage until someone who actually gave a fuck about your wellbeing, Freed Your Ass!! Why would U want to continue this cycle Your Entire Life?? Isn't it Time to Take Back Your Life & Start Living It Yourself??
Do U realize that the ONLY reason European governments are getting away with imprisoning people for something as benign as sharing a fucking meme, is because the people have allowed it to get that far thru COMPLIANCE??!! Have U Noticed that the Criminals get away with Brutal Rape, Murder, Trafficking (everything from weapons to Humans) and are Still Out Running Around Enjoying Their Lives?? U Know Why?? NON COMPLIANCE!! Don't Get it Twisted- I Am NOT Advocating for Anyone to be a Criminal!! I Am however, saying to take a fucking Clue from the Obvious!! The Tyrants Have No Control Over the Criminals Because They Weren't Given Any!! They Don't Play the Game, They Don't Participate in the Bullshit of Requesting/Voting/Asking For the Next Slave Master. And Sidenote: any criminals who actually are attempting to participate in said bullshit it's because the Tyrants PAID THEM TO DO SO!! Criminals Ain't Doing Shit For Free!! Meanwhile, How Many Average Citizens Ran to Tattle on their Neighbors for having “Too many people in their house, during social distancing mandates” for a fucking pat on the head and some retarded ass police dispatcher to say “good boooy!!”??? What we really need is More Sovereign Humans and a helluva lot less ass kissing spineless lil pussies- Grow a Fucking Pair, Mind Your Own Fucking Business, Live YOUR Life- Lets Get Back to:
Cause NO Harm, Take NO Shit!!
Until Next Time- Mad Love & Blessings💪🏽💪🏽👑👑💜💜☯️☯️🧿🧿🌴🌴
Absolutely correct! Every words of clarity and depth from you, kept helps us all to see how much we still are unconscious and complacent in a continuous and varied way with this system Matrix. Thank you for sharing!!