I began this piece on December 29th after a lengthy conversation with a potential new Farm Host, thinking then that I knew what my next steps were to be. Then December 30th began and thru me headfirst into a complete spin out, and now I'm not really sure….
This is one of those pieces I keep starting and then it sits in drafts for a few days & when I open it back up, everything is changed from the last part I wrote. But I said it right there in my subtitle, “Changes Incoming….” Lol, I have a habit of stating things without catching the memo my damn self.
Have U ever literally felt yourself evolving?? I know for some of U reading that question, U will think that's a weird ass thing to say. If U feel that way, I can't help U. U are either asleep, in denial, or U signed up thinking U were reading some type of fairytale fictitious shit cuz U are too well programmed. For the rest of U who fux with me, U already know it's a serious question. Nevermind a weird ass question, it's a weird ass feeling. I think I got stuck in between a couple different versions of me. That's not in a bad way. I feel Calm, Peaceful, and I feel different. Tho I haven't figured out the exact descriptive words to paint a clear picture, hence the question. I guess I'm asking cuz I really want to know who else is experiencing this same type of weird feeling phenomenon, and if U have figured out how to put the way it feels (other than “evolving”) into words. And yes I'm confident that if U have been or are in this situation, then U comprehend exactly what I'm talking about. I'm callin out all my fellow intuitives on this one.
When I first began this piece, I was accepted to the next farm I had requested. I had literally had an interest in this particular farm since last June when I started my membership with WWOOF. The words “Hard Manual Labor Camp” 100% grabbed my attention, intrigued me, and hooked me- What can I say?? I'm a sucker for Challenging myself. Dude is off grid, building his dream from forest clearing forward- the educational opportunities alone are phenomenal. He's got critters, decent size plot of land some of which is already active farmland, solar & well for utilities and water, and gaining access to the property is via a bicycle path. There's construction jobs ongoing. Goats to be milked. He even agreed to pick me up from the nearest Greyhound bus stop in the next town over, which is a 30min drive from his farm. However after getting burned as badly as I just did, I don't really feel ok trusting another person I haven't met in person to keep their word. After a 45min phone call with this Farmer, I was excited for the opportunity that I was preparing to step into. I was planning out exactly what I would need to pick up from my storage unit as well as what dead weight I needed to drop in my storage, prior to heading to the bus. First I needed to know if I was getting a train ticket for Saturday 1/4, Sunday 1/5, or Monday 1/6. And that was dependant on getting to the train station by 930am in Jacksonville, a full 45-60min drive from the Energy Mine/Farm I was on.
I did all necessary research for my pending travel plans. And around came Monday 12/30. Right after feeding all the critters, I asked which day worked for the hostess to transport me to Jacksonville. Face to face, she needed “to check my(her) calendar.” Once she got back to her house & was texting me, complete personality about face, & her true colors showed her ass loud & clear. Like I said before, No Tienes Cojones. 24hrs later I was finishing packing my belongings and cleaning the RV to leave on 12/31 instead of the following weekend when I was initially supposed to. By 330pm on New Years Eve, I was arriving back to my previous farm and feeling like I could finally breathe again. Amidst a multitude of questions from several different directions, I decided I was taking Wednesday January 1st as my first Full Day off since Saturday November 30th. My definitive answer to All questions regarding, “What's Next??” “Are U still going to the Next farm??” “Are U gonna stay where U are??” was, “I don't know.” On Thursday January 2nd I returned to work, harvesting & processing vegetables for the farm store. At dinner that evening, we discussed me staying thru the end of January. And I made the decision to notify the other farm I was accepted to, that I was canceling my visit request. The same topic came up again a few more times and on the final conversation, my host said, “We’ve got 2 more WWOOFers coming in February, so if U don't mind bunking with the woman, U are welcome to stay.” So that settled that part, I know full well (& was expecting to) that working as a Farm or Ranch Hand there's plenty often U will be bunking with other workers. They kinda go together. And I'm no stranger to sharing space with people I don't know, having been institutionalized (in group homes, youth shelters) as a child, and in the homeless system throughout my lifetime, as well as quite a few roommate scenarios. The reality is if U ever had to learn to set boundaries of no invading personal space, then each one of these scenarios is damn near identical. Do I prefer having my own lil cave?? Absolutely. But it's only a couple weeks & honestly these people right here treat me more like I'm their daughter than a worker, so I'm still living very well.
I've had more time to start really looking into the internships program at this point, & truth be told I been draggin ass about applying to the 1st two that I'm truly interested in. While I do need to take care of that & I am going to apply to at least 1 of those 2 tomorrow, I'm honestly not concerned. I can already feel, see, hear, smell, & taste being there. Learning more and getting paid to do so, enjoying Nature, Critters, and Peace. Combine that with knowing that I Always End Up Exactly Where I'm Supposed To Be, Exactly When I'm Supposed To Be There and I have Zero Need to tie myself to mans clock. I Am Always and In All Ways Divinely Guided & Protected. I'm still working out the logistics of traveling southbound to snatch my stuff from storage so that I have 1 less monthly bill. Deciding what of that stuff I will continue to keep & what of it I will get rid of, has also been on the forefront. My first choice of Internship is 9 months so there's no point to maintaining an overpriced storage unit in another state for that long. And honestly there's a chunk of that stuff which I carted down here to get me started in an apartment. To keep paying to store certain shit just don't make no sense. Also I haven't even seen any of that stuff since I left Ft Lauderdale, back on October 1st. All of this just proves it's time to lighten my load a lil. When U consider that I'm literally paying $50+ a month for a “home” for a 40 gallon footlocker style tote and a 29” suitcase, it's actually kinda pathetic. It didn't start off that expensive but soon as I left the area that's when the bastards jacked me.
Since I've been back here, the neighbors goats who were pregnant in October & November, gave birth sometime in December while I was gone. Both mamas had 1 kid each which is their Mini-me. They are absolutely adorable. And they really do reinforce for me that yes I am a farmer at heart & can't wait to have my own critters that I won't have to leave & miss. These are each Mama with her kid:
This piece was due for release yesterday on 1/13, however here in Central Florida we have been under a “cloud cap” since early a.m. on the 13th and it was seriously screwing with my ability to upload pix, stay on internet for more than a few minutes at a clip, and it was screwing with the tv as well. This cloud cap is really strange because it's a “Snow Sky” (for anyone not from an area of the globe that gets snow- it's a solid, opaque, white cloud wall, which also acts as a noise dampener and feels very heavy & silent). A few minutes ago during my normal Rising routine I noticed a splash of color the sun was absolutely determined to show…
Thankfully, I snagged a couple pix of Luna on 1/12 during sunset and a couple hours later while on my way to the bathroom, otherwise I wouldn't have gotten any fullmoon pix for the 1st one of this calendar year…
I now am late getting my ass outside to start my workday, but I'm always over my hours for my week here so while I'm pretty sure the manager gets annoyed, my hosts know I work my ass off for them, and I enjoy doing so because they never have an issue providing for me. Here's to Every Single Human Having a Peaceful Prosperous Blessed Day!!
Dear Reina, I am so glad to see and read this!! You are also beautiful! Thank you for the thorough update! I did email you back but we both know how we feel about email! ha ha! I can't find anything in the debacle. I know there are great things coming. I can feel it in my bones and through your genuine love of farming. This is a beautiful direction and I LOVE the pictures, especially of mama/babies/mini-me's! So darn adorable. Sending you all the mad love and a huge virtual hug. oxoxox deb
Ohh, the goats! 😍. What a ride you’ve been on. I can sometimes feel changed, though I’ve never tried putting it into words. Sometimes it’s so painful and sometimes you don’t realize it was growth until you’re through it. But evolution suits the thing, I think. Good luck to you as you navigate what’s next ☺️❤️