This is Eastern Central Florida, Buckle up folks cuz if U are reading this, we're gonna take a lil adventure into uncovering some str8 Up BULLSHIT.
Back on January 29th I actually started to really dig into this garbage for a few reasons; Number 1. Should be glaringly obvious… HEALTH, WELL-BEING, & KNOWLEDGE OF ONGOING MATRIX FUCKERY!!
So I had started a Note Thread conversating with Our very own Incomparable Demi from
, this was that note:Not too many Stackers saw this Note, as I'm well aware I'm not real popular with the algorithm in Notes, cuz… Money. Whatever, it is what it is. I mean after all if U are Not All about the social media frenzy and Numbers, Numbers, Numbers- then what are U even here for Anyways??? But I digress. I grabbed some screenshots of the rest of the convo thread as I figured it may be easier to follow what was said, after those I will get into the rest of the topic, which has honestly become grotesque and disturbing to the point I can no longer eat “farm fresh” vegetation which I harvest here regularly because the xtra seasoning is sickening, as in carcinogenic to say the least, but I'm willing to bet there's a whole host of other malicious shit that'll come prior.
Btw, Thank U Demi for inadvertently teaching me how to pull a Notes Convo thread into a published piece. Anyone reading this piece who hasn't seen any of Demi’s Saturdays, “The Scroll” here is the latest edition U can check out for yourself.
Now back to my topic of discussion, lol. If U don't know me yet, lemme skool U right quick, I can quite easily keep 7 different topics running parallel, and the trip will take a lil while but in the end, it'll be worth it. I love learning so I also love sharing what I learn. I'm a natural born Smartass so I love to laugh & have fun. They labeled me as having ADHD & OCD, which yes I match up with quite a few of the symptoms on their criteria lists, but I'm pretty fuckin sure that Anyone with Critical Thinking Skills can make the cut for all “their” Labels!! It's only a Disorder in their World cuz U Are Supposed to be a good lil Dummy & don't fuckin question the Masters!! So are we all on the same page now?? Ok, right- Back to it….
So, when I got this particular phone AccuWeather, which is the app I was used to for years, is Not accessible. I had to find a new weather app, and I hate apps, they all wanna be privy to when U are ovulating (for FEMALES- it's sad that I feel the need to state that), or how many times U wiped your ass after U took a shit (this ones obviously for the guys I mean c’mon now, us females don't discuss taking a shit, lol & I have some oceanfront land in Arizona to sell U, really I just couldn't think of- Nope scratch that) they also wanna know how many times a day U scratch your balls!! Ha ok apparently I'm in one of those moods today- I told y'all to Buckle Up!! Anyways on top of them being nosey pieces of shit spyware U just downloaded onto your phone giving them full onslaught of permissions to take over your phone and do whatever the fuck they want with/to it, apps also take up waaaay too much space for nothing, and constantly try to sell U dumbshit all day long as if the 1st 2 attributes weren't already annoying enough. I did eventually find a pretty decent weather app tho, and they actually broadcast some fairly interesting and cool information if U scroll thru the app & check out everything. In vase U are looking for a decent weather app- this is the one I use: Weather & Widget, Weawow
One of the cool features I found on here is their Air Quality Report which incidently is information directly from NOAA again, They ALWAYS tell us Exactly what they're doing, all U gotta do is pay Attention, and for the Love of Life STAAAAAHHP, calling people who are actually paying attention “Conspiracy Theorists” cuz the minute U do that Your Brain Shuts Off & U Can't Hear that Your wonderful MindControl (Govern=Control, Ment=Mind) are Literally Fucking Announcing All their Fuckery & Shenanigans, and quite Frankly Laughing in Hysterics While doing So. I began noticing a correlation, everytime there was thick fog soup at Rising, the Air Quality report was shit. Also the day prior would be all those lovely plaid gridwork style “Cloud” formations. So I started snapping pix & screenshots, as a means to track the shit and sure enough it all keeps adding up the same way. On top of that there's physical symptoms which I have repeatedly had which go along with this “Fog”- sinus pressure, serious eye pressure, burning eyes, constantly having to rinse grit from my eyes, tightness in my lungs, a fine white powdery residue coating my eyeglasses, nausea, a strange residue coating my hands after harvesting certain areas of the farm, fresh plucked cherry tomatoes which numb your lips & tongue with a bitter chemical taste- if U don't wash them, the residue from the outside of the cherry tomatoes coating my fingertips, numbed my fingertips until I washed my hands thoroughly.
The following pix were from January 29th these are from the weather app:
And as soon as the “Fog” cleared they fucked around and repainted the sky all over again!! I have multiple pix of this garbage from all throughout February. As well when I first started to really notice the “dust” when I was harvesting peas, I snapped some pix of that- people around this place are so observant that they shrug it off as “pollen.” In order to have This Much Pollen:
U would literally have to Be in the middle of the Forest!! These are trellised Pea plants in the middle of an open field.
As U can see, that powder dust residue wasn't there on the 6th of February but was on the 11th after this forecast & Alerts on the 8th
This is why I love when Demi does her “Skoolin Meme Drops” cuz if U pay attention U can learn a lot from them. She did do a Meme drop (I think it was in Jan but honestly could've been last Oct or Nov) specifically about Chemtrails, and I know she has a lot more information on the topic then I do which is why I specifically requested her input for once I wrote this post. I am however a full month overdue on this post so there's that. To say, “I've been busy” or “I been goin thru some shit” feels like a cop out even tho both statements are 100% accurate, it also boils down to I had to actually go back thru a months worth of “Activity” in my Notes Feed cuz Substack now lumps it all into one feed versus last year Notes was actually a separate issue, it wasn't redundant with personal publications, notes, likes, etc. when each of those categories has their own feed as well. I knew it was gonna be a mission too get back to the original convo & honestly I didn't wanna just sit down & do it. The longer I avoided it the longer & worse it got.
So Ima hop back off my lil soapbox now, and invite anyone who has Real insightful input to chime in. Fair warning any crackpots will be booted🤗🤗😉😉
Mad Love & Blessings for All Y’All👁️🥰🥰👑👑💜💜☯️☯️🧿🧿🌴🌴
Ugh. Thank you for this great post and the great photos. Absolutely insane. What a wild time...
Damn, this is some next-level forensic decoding! 🔥 Your observational skills are razor-sharp - catching patterns in the fog while the rest of the world shrugs it off as ‘pollen’? That’s divine detective work. Loving the fire, loving the clarity. Keep torching the bullshit!