During my walk to the Library today, I was granted an opportunity to stand for what's Right, Correct, and Just~ And Yes I made the most of that opportunity.
I really don't comprehend what about my appearance says to miserable asshats, “Yes by all means I am the one U want to try picking on, Please come try and make an example out of me!!” I carry myself at all times, with Self Respect, Dignity, & Respect for others. I mind my own business, most often have a smile on my face, and I walk Upright, meaning No I do Not hunch over or try to shrink when I am in public. I walk shoulders back, head up str8 (most often on a swivel- due to ALWAYS observing my surroundings), back str8, chest out. U know, the way we Are supposed to walk as Humans, not Trolls. I’m quite used to being stared at, smiled at, beeped at, whistled at, and blown kisses. Honestly no I don't get offended, yes I enjoy the positive attention, take it as a compliment, smile, and sometimes even say thank U. Don't get it twisted tho, if someone is rude or disrespectful, in any way, I will put them in their place quick with absolutely zero hesitation. None of these are the type of interaction I’m speaking of here tho.
I’m walking, listening to some binaural beats, Check it out Here (for some reason it’s not loading up as the vid thumbnail), and just enjoying my day minding my own business. I’m almost to the library when I pass by this ritzy (over) expensive luxury apartment homes building, which they're currently doing construction on the yard/lot next to it. The construction crew has the whole sidewalk in front of the building, not where they're working, blocked off with those orange & white plastic hollow barricades (they fill with sand or water). Then all the crews trucks & work vans are alongside the barricades cutting the road to 1 lane on that side. The opposite side of the street has no sidewalk. So as I pass the parking garage entry, there's a dude sitting there playing on his phone, wearing a hardhat, I figured he’s on his break and I keep walking. I pass another Foreman as I step passed the barricade & up onto the sidewalk. I’m about 12 feet up the sidewalk when I hear a whistle behind me, getting closer. I turn because bicyclists ride the sidewalks around here & utilize whistles or alarms to tell pedestrians to get out of their way (Completely Ass Backwards, due to sideWALKs being for pedestrians, & roads are for wheels). It's the Foreman who was sitting & playing on his phone. He waves at me & starts demanding I get off the sidewalk. I respond, “I’m not walking in the street.” He tells me, “Not the street, around the barricade,” “And y’all vehicles are against the barricade, meaning I would be walking in the street, I’m staying on the sidewalk,” “What if something fall on your head??” (Where there's NO ongoing construction) I reply, “Nothing's falling.” “Well, I can't have U walking in slides thru a construction site!!” “I’m not wearing slides!!….

….And as I Already Stated, I Am NOT walking in the street in traffic, I Am Not Endangering Myself for NOBODY & Nothing, so I’m walking on the sidewalk, to the end.” I turned and walked away leaving him standing there looking stupid. Another crewman was at one of the work trucks and gave me the biggest smile as I passed by him (truth be told he wasn't bad looking either, lol), I wished him a Blessed day & kept walking. I kinda get the feeling that the foreman is a dick to the crew & probably the type that's always on an ego trip. He had no reason to harass me about where I was walking as there's Absolutely Zero construction or tools or vehicles in that entire area. Hell there wasn't even a scrap or trash pile there. It's actually a swept clean sidewalk that's 100% empty except for being completely blocked off. There's no scaffolding, or any openings on the front of the building either. And I pay attention to everywhere I’m walking because I’m not an idiot, & who in their right mind wants to get injured while walking to the fucking library?? No this dide was on a power trip & for whatever reason thought he was gonna spread his misery to me. Not today biotch!! His pitiful ass then had to turn around and go back to his perch to play on his phone after being respectfully told off by a smiling female who he quite unsuccessfully tried to bully. Keep in mind he blew his rape whistle at me about 10x first to ensure he had Everyone's attention to the situation.
As I hopped over the barricade at the other end of the sidewalk I heard this song playing in the back of my mind, and it made me laugh:
(I actually heard the original by Public Enemy, But I saw this one when I searched, Fight the Power on YT & I like this version) My shadow self has a twisted sense of humor. She's definitely fun to be around tho. I got up the street & look up to see the Sun smiling down on me thru the clouds…
Once again it's a Beautiful Peaceful day in My Neighborhood😎😎💪🏽💪🏽🥰🥰👑👑💜💜☯️☯️🧿🧿🌴🌴
Never be ashamed or afraid to speak up for yourself or others when U know You're in The Right. If U are more worried about it creating a conflict, All U have succeeded in doing by Complying with the will of a Tyrant is Perpetuating More TYRANNY. As long as Egoic Asshats are Able to Control others Shit Will continue to get Worse!! When Someone Else is Wrong DO NOT COMPLY. It’s really Just That Simple.
I can assure U there is much more to come. Mad Love & Blessings to All Y'all🥰🥰👑👑💜💜☯️☯️🧿🧿🔥🔥🌴🌴
Good for you, Reina. You go your own way and stay safe! Can I ask, how do you stamp your photographs with the little badge? It looks great! ✨🙏
Nice work 😁