I discovered very young that adults do not know how to deal with honest children, tho I suspect this may have a lot to do with societal desire to be plugged in (I'll get more into that shortly, but first let me set the backdrop). For as far back as I can remember I have been extremely honest. That is not to say that I have never told a lie, that in itself would be a lie. I have always been honest tho where a vast majority of people would make some shit up right quick. As a child in school, by the time I hit the 5th grade things at home were horrendous & my biologicals were already entrenched in the whole (Ready Rock) Crack era. My incubator had been forced off of State Welfare, sent to take a Business course for a few months, & subsequently shoved into the employment line. Trust me she did not go willingly and my sperm donor wasn't exactly thrilled about it either due to somebody else taking control of his property. However once he realized that there was now more money coming in he adjusted his attitudes accordingly. Anyway back to me, lol. So I was basically getting tired of the performance scenario, yes some children do actually pick up on the lil nuances of society, because some of us just never really fit in right from jump. This carbon copy routine of learning something in class and then everyone goes home & does it 50x more just to prove they've learned it, just wasn't ever really my bag. I enjoy learning, I am not a robot & I do not like repetition. Hence, once the learning stops, I lose interest. Nowadays we say children like this have A.D.H.D. so we can drug them into good lil zombies who don't rock the boat & I call bullshit on that whole fraudulistic propaganda, because this is actually How children start off & are supposed to be, but our overlords Do Not Want Critical Thinkers, as that blows their entire control abilities out the window. (Now back in the classroom) My teachers would hand out homework assignments & by 5th grade I was bored as hell to say the least with pretty much everything. The following day they would walk around the room & collect the finished homework. I would watch a handful of kids act like they were looking for their papers (knowing damn well they didn't have them) & then make up some off the cuff bullshit story. Then the teacher would get to me & I would blatantly state, “I don't have it” teacher, “Why not” me, “Cuz I didn't do it” teacher, looking a lil strangely confused, “Why didn't U do it” me, “Cuz I didn't want to” teacher develops a twitch & walks away not sure what the fuck to do with a 10yo who is Not scared of them so is calmly & Brutally Honest. This also happened during the same timeframe of my forging my incubators signature on my report cards, but not for the reason U would think, not that I had any fear from showing her my grades, but moreso because she just wasn't there for that.
Flash forward to my middle son in 6th grade & again I witnessed firsthand how badly teachers deal with an honest child. My son Xander had already read & comprehended the Bible in it's entirety by the time he entered the 6th grade. He's sitting in class 1 day & the teacher who's giving a history lesson, starts talking about Babylon, but she was reciting inaccurate information to the class. (Don't ask me what specifically was stated because at this point that was 19 years ago & I've had much more important things to focus on than a history teacher who doesn't know the history they are teaching.) Anyhow, my son calls out the teacher (unintentionally) on her bullshit. I say unintentionally because, in his mind he was correcting the information given so as not to mislead his classmates. However, the teacher took it as a personal attack that this 11yo was calling her out in front of the entire class, and he was quite confused as to why he was now in trouble. He had read & then researched (in the public library) the story & then history of Babylon. So he actually did know exactly wth he was talking about & he genuinely just wanted to share the correct information. So when he got smacked with a Detention for Being Disrespectful the teacher found out exactly what Disrespectful actually is when I showed up at the school, called a meeting, and proceeded to professionally cuss her the fuck out in front of her coworkers & superiors. Then after a couple more incidents of teachers who were both sexist & racist literally gang stalking & picking on my child, something they were quite used to doing in that small valley town in the Northwestern corner of CT, I pulled my son out of school completely & homeschooled him. The school was quite embarrassed & pissed off when I sent my son back right at the end of the year to take the battery of tests which are supposedly to show what the teachers have taught the kids throughout the school year (called, Standardized Achievement Tests or SATs) & he blew the tests outta the water, scoring phenomenally higher than his classmates.
In the start of this I said I would elaborate on my suspicious of adults not coping well with honest children due to societal desires to remain plugged in. Now as an adult having lived within the confines of the matrix long enough to watch & learn exactly what & how the powers that Shouldn't be operate, I've realized that the main reason an honest child will cause most adults to glitch out is because Honesty is NOT part of the program. Neither is CRITICAL THINKING. This is the main reason why I'm Always advocating for Everyone to Stop just going with the flow and Start Thinking & Questioning. When U do this as a habit, U lose your sense of Fear & realize that there's no need for Lies from Anyone, in turn U Stop Accepting the powers that Shouldn't be, Lying to U about Everything. This becomes the single most important part of Us affecting the change that We All know is Desperately Needed. They feed on Fear, this is what runs the world!! And if U doubt what I'm saying for even a second think back over recent years, Every single time they want to get something pushed thru, the First tactic they use is Fear. They over sensationalize EVERYTHING, Hype up the Drama, Hype up the Anger, Pit everyone Against Each Other- then institute some crazy shit that U then realize is even more imprisoning than before the Latest Scary Event. And we handed over our Rights & Freedom willingly for the comfort of the Fear-Mongerers to Keep Us Safe…. But Safe from WHAT??? The Boogieman Only Exists in Your Head, Unless U Make Him Real by Breathing Life (Fear) Into Him.
I'm sure One of U reading this remembers who said it (I don't- I simply remember the quote):
“There's Nothing to Fear but Fear Itself!!”
Just some thoughts for the day, Until Next Time, I wish U All an Abundance of Blessings🥰🥰💜💜☯️☯️🧿🧿
Excellent story and you're exactly right. What OUR society needs more of is exactly what YOU and YOUR SON did in your story. The more of us that stand up together the more ACTUAL positive change we will get within our society and the country and world at large.
Thank you for sharing this.
I've stopped making excuses in school in front of my teachers (I'm just 16btw) because it's very exhausting, and... Frightening. A lie is very uncertain as the truth can unfold itself and get you in trouble any moment, and humans fear uncertainty. Now, I just be honest and just get over with the punishment like it's nothing. And I think it's making me more confident in myself, and less of a coward.