I know I regularly say to each and every one of U who I converse with that, I Appreciate U. Those words tho, for me do Not begin to truly describe how I feel. There are several of U who I have expressed to, that when U send me a message, it's a digital message but yet I still manage to pick up on or “feel” the energy from which it was sent. That is one that I describe as, “U pushed the message thru.” Spoken language has been watered down so much that people half the time don’t even comprehend the words that are coming out of their own mouth (or fingertips), and in that case they can't “mean” what they say, when they don't even know the definitions of the words. I do feel that when interacting with a bunch of other writers, artists, musicians, creatives that this same rule doesn't apply, but rather words in & of themselves carry very lil weight. I think (at least for me) this is why we attempt to describe things in an artists perspective of intricately painted detail. But I’m left with the struggle of painting U the picture of exactly what the words “I Appreciate U” honestly mean when coming from me.
I started my Stack midway thru December of 2023, since then I have developed friendships, a rather large (by my standards) following, & a realization that there are humans who appreciate how I think (I’m quite often known to say something to someone, knowing for a fact that what I’m saying is solid accurate information, then following it up with, “but what the fuck do I know” because people will blow off what U say as bs, immediately after THEY asked U for that very information). Don't get me wrong I am in no way saying to live off of others opinions- Absofuckinlutely Do NOT do that to yourself!! & Don't put the responsibility of Your feelings on Somebody Else's opinion either. I am saying it is a really nice feeling to be Appreciated & Respected for being U. I have found here, a sense of “Belonging” & at 49 years on this planet, that is not only a first for me, but it's why I say there are quite a few of U here that feel like “Home” to me. The way U treat others when U aren't paying attention, the lil off handed (no thoughts given- just U being your authentic self) interactions, are the lil things that actually speak volumes as to who U are as a person. This is why I can Honestly say, I Love U to someone I've never met face to face, and mean it from my heart & Soul, because I See U. I pay attention to every detail and No it's not deliberate, it's something I've literally been doing all my life. It's built into me, so much so that when I enter into any situation, I’m scanning everything & everyone 1000x in an hour. It's Hypervigilance that creates this which is normally looked at as a bad thing because it comes hand in hand with PTSD. However just because it came from a negative doesn't make it inherently negative. U can turn ANYTHING in life into a positive by simply changing your perspective on it. For me Hypervigilance is quite beneficial, because it helps me “read” people (pretty accurately) without putting any effort into it, while I am doing other things.
It is Amazing to me tho that my writings are actually the start of All of this. This Community that We are here, for my world, began with me just being my authentic self. The fact that my writing is actually supporting me from a financial aspect currently, absolutely blows my mind. I never once thought that would be anywhere near a possibility. That is extremely Special to me on a Soul level. And I’ve honestly said All of this, in Hopes that when I say, “I Appreciate U~ Every Last One of U!!” that U will fully Comprehend I Mean that shit wholeheartedly from the very depths of My Soul!! I Thank Every One of U who felt me worth enough to your life, to support me - No Matter the Means, whether thru Blessings, Thoughts, Prayers, Financial, Sharing- the Means by which U support Me are Not the Point for Me- it is literally The Support Itself that can move me to tears (overwhelming emotion) in an instant.
🌴🔥🧿☯️💜👑🥰Until Next Time~ Mad Love & Blessings to All Y'all 🥰👑💜☯️🧿🔥🌴
you with your words full of sincere feelings! I believe that each of us who follow your work of poems and articles understand perfectly what you mean by: “I appreciate you ~ each and every one of you!!” and “feel” the energy from where it was sent.
I love reading your stories and experiences gained in the world. Thank you for the immense affection shown to all of us, your followers!!
Reina, it is interesting you just picking up and moving on trust. It has a very interesting consequence, every moment counts, becomes highly focused. Aside from that exhilarating experience, you are acting like a proxy for others who imagine or fantasize about chucking it all and just going/doing it, so they get to vicariously live through you. I know the down side, but I keep thinking that it is awesome. : )